Raffle prizes were given, we had an "Ugly Sweater" contest, and it was announced that Executive Vice President George Rangel is semi-retiring at the end of December 2023. He will continue to work with our Grievance and Legal Dept. as a consultant for the spring semester.
The 2023 Texas AFT Convention was held on June 23rd and 24th in McAllen, Texas. Alliance/AFT was well represented with 24 elected delegates attending. Alliance came away with 3 awards for achievements in the last biennium. Our goal is to grow our union and we were recognized for doing just that. Way to go Alliance members!
Communication with you is vital to keep you updated on what is happening with our union. Help us stay connected by updating your contact information as soon as possible. Go to www.https://member.alliance-aft.org. You're important and we want to stay in touch.
Trustees and district administrators need to hear your stories! Join us as we stand in solidarity with those making presentations regarding our important RED Campaign.
In planning our Holiday Social this year, building leaders were surveyed about location and logistics for the celebration. With a majority of returns submitted, our Holiday Social was held on Saturday, December 17th at the Celestial Beerworks on Butler St. in Dallas. The event was 1:00 pm to 3:00pm. Approximately 40 - 50 members attended, and we had a great time! Raffle prizes were given, we had an "Ugly Sweater" contest, and it was announced that Executive Vice President George Rangel is semi-retiring at the end of December 2023. He will continue to work with our Grievance and Legal Dept. as a consultant for the spring semester.